Friday, August 22, 2014


Opinion about theories

Before I state the results of the case of study we were asked to do, I have to expose my opinion about the theories I used in the case of study. Some of the things I discovered about the theories are that the majority of the changes in each area that children in middle childhood suffer are actually true. I also think that theories are not only to have an idea of what happens with children in middle childhood, but to understand and teach better classes considering such theories.

Case of study results

First I have to say that my case of study was focused on “Physical development”; therefore, what I could observe is that children at this age can develop different physical tasks in which the gross and fine motor skills are proved. However, the quality in developing such activities will vary from child to child because something that theories and experts say about the gross and motor skills is that in middle childhood, children must jump rope without difficulties. Nevertheless, what it really called my attention was that even though “my subject of study” had difficulties jumping rope, she seems to have developed the fine motor skills extremely well at this age. Consequently, I could confirm that girls develop the fine motor skills faster at this age than boys do. Thus, my conclusions about the theories and the case of study results are that the gross motor skill can be enhanced if children are well stimulated. As it was mentioned, theories will vary from child to child, which means that no matter if the child is struggling with performing some physical tasks, he can improve them as long as he has enough practice. Lastly, although many students have developed the fine motor skills at this age, there are plenty of classroom activities and materials to be done for those students who have not developed that skill yet.

General understanding and opinion in studied topics, and future expectations for coming practice with children

                In this part I have to mention the important things and my understandings in the covered topics since the very first day of class. I believe that not only me but all of you share the opinion of how much knowledge we have acquired throughout this semester. In fact, I think that all the studied theories have been meaningful to the experience of teaching children, for we know what to do and not to do with our students. Furthermore, I know how to treat my students, their needs in each area, and how to improve them. However, I understand the fact that theories are just a part of “real-life” because it is not the same to have an idea of what to expect about my students than teaching real classes. Bottomline, if students' needs and expectations are highly fullfiled, students' learning process will be improved, as well as their development as human beings.  

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Middle Childhood is the stage that encompasses the ages between 7 until 11.

In middle childhood as in any other stage of human development, it can be found three different areas that will be the target to discuss in this entry. The first area is the “Physical development”. Although in this area there are no big changes in children’s physical skills, it is important to mention what indicators we can consider when working with students in middle childhood. Some of those indicators are: a better use of gross motor skills like practicing sports that require the child to jump, kick balls, run, etc. Children at this age can also use the fine motor skills better such as using scissors without difficulties, buttoning their outfits, tying shoelaces with no parents’ help, etc.

On the other hand, we can also find the Cognitive development in middle childhood, and unlike physical development, in this area children suffer more significant changes. For instance, according to the Piagetian theory, children aged between 7 and 11 can have a better understanding of mental operations, better logical thinking about concrete events by seriation, transitive inference, and class inclusion. Nonetheless, children may also have some difficulties with abstract or hypothetical concepts, but they can express themselves in increasingly complex ways. Children can plan ahead and evaluate different courses of action as well, and follow rules that do not make sense to them because they think in black and white terms.

Finally, the third area comes up in middle childhood which is the “Psychosocial development”. In this area there are two theories that are worth considering, the first one is “Industry vs. Inferiority” by Erik Erikson. Such theory exposes that children who are in middle childhood often focus on school and academic achievement; therefore, it is important to encourage such children to develop new skills and build a healthy sense of industriousness. As a result, if parents do not help children to develop confidence in their abilities, such situation can lead to both emotional and academic problems. In this area we can also find Piaget’s theory which focuses on self-definition. According to Piaget, children at this age become more aware about the “self”, and so they become more realistic, more balanced, and more comprehensive. Children at this age are able to recognize what they are capable to do (weaknesses and strengths), but they still have characteristic of comparing their “self” with the ideal one. 


My name is Brenda Velasquez. I am in my fourth year in the major of Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Universidad Don Bosco, and that is why this blog has been created; to share my best moments when teaching children. Some of my favorite hobbies are reading, listening to music, drawing, doing handicrafts, practicing origami, etc. My expectations about taking Teaching Practicum 1 is not only to learn how to teach children but also to put into practice what I actually learned throughout these four years studying how to teach English as a Foreign Language. I also expect to fulfill my students’ expectations and enhance their knowledge on English, so that I can contribute to the Salvadorian education. Finally, I will be open to any suggestion or advice you want to give me, for in that matter you will help me to improve and polish some of the things that are not that good. Feel welcome to my Blog! =D