The workshop for the second day called "Strategies to cope with stage fright" was an amazing experience in which I learned a lot of things that I will apply in my personal and professional life as an English teacher. On of the things that I learned and I will apply in my personal life is "to be a good listener". People do not usually care about how important is to listen to others, and in this workshop I learned how and why to do it. For example, there was a pair work activity in which one partner had to make a specific sound with the mouth, and his/her partner had to listen to the sound carefully to follow his/her partner around the room just by listening to him/her with the eyes closed. This was an excellent exercise because with this, we could identify if we are good at listening to others and if we pay attention to one or different things at the same time. Another thing that I learned is not to do things just by following my emotions. This often happens when people feel excited or amazed about something or a situation that make them follow their emotions without thinking in advance or thinking of the consequences. As a result, bad, sad, complicated situations, and troubles arrive to people's lives, and so that is what I learned in the workshop and how meaningful is to think before acting or following my emotions without thinking. Lastly, one of the things that I enjoyed during the workshop was the activity of communicating without saying a word! I have been used to express myself just with words; however, with this last activity in the workshop I learned that it is not necessary to use words to express myself. I could also use my face, my hands, gestures, and even my whole body to communicate what in my mind was, so that helped me to increase my communication skills, my contration to pay attention to others, etc. In other words, I learned different things that I would apply in my personal life.
Conclusion and Interpretations of the results
As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I used to speak so low in front of others, so I could say that it was a problem that I overcame in this workshop and that therefore can be considered as one of my weaknesses. I also overcame the problem of gesticulating in a wrong way, for when I get nervous for different situations, words come out of my mouth but they cannot be understood at all. Nonetheless, I have some strengths that I improved during the workshop like my pronounciation something that it is a mean to make others understand what I say. Another strength is that I avoid taking revenge against others but I like to protect others no matter what. During the workshop I had an activity in which I had to protect a balloon as if it were one of my students, so if one of my classmates wanted to prick or make my balloon explode, I could prick his/her balloon first. However, I realized that I couldn't prick someone else's balloon, but my instinct told me that I had to protect my balloon no matter what, so I descovered that I am a good protector, and that I prefer peace instead of violence! At the end of this experience the instructor of the workshop told my classmates and me that we cannot lose the control when we are threatened by someone or something.